Friday, October 19, 2007

Ask DB1

j writes in:


I have been wondering, if a super bag and a bleethed-out chica procreate, do they automatically pass along the greico virus to their offspring- is it coded in their DNA? Or does the offspring still have a chance to emancipate him (her) self and join society as a normal, decent person?

Yours truly,
j in Dallas (p.s Dallas is a very under appreciated bag breeding ground)


This is an excellent question, j in Dallas, and I would disagree that Dallas is underappreciated for its scrotal breeding grounds. Dallas is in the Top 6 Origination locations of Douche Virus outbreak (the others being Chicago, Las Vegas, Miami, Orange County and New Jersey).

But to answer your question, due to the less than twenty year manifestation of the modern Douche Virus and douche/hott commingling, there really aren’t enough test cases to examine next-generation douchal offspring.

Hence it is entirely possible that a child product of choad and Bleeth could indeed end up surviving well past infancy without any collar popping to speak of.

However, parents do reinforce patterns of behavior, and by behavior I mean chest shaving, so if the parents are douche-parents, the children are more likely to follow in their scrotey footsteps. But it is not guaranteed.

Next Generation ‘baggery still needs to play out. But I will be observing. And by observing, I mean mocking.

# posted by douchebag1

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