Reader 'Baggin' on Halloween
The Halloween ‘bag pics submitted by readers are pouring in, and I’m honored that this site inspired so many weekend costumes. Guido The Killer Gimp writes in to let us know he busted the Jerseybag look at his Halloween party on Saturday night:
Check it out, DB1. Went as a douche to honor HCwDB. Let me know if you’re going to run the pics-
— Guido The Killer Gimp
I can’t tell if it’s good or scary that some of these costume pics are indistinguishable from true douchebaggery. If I didn’t have other costumed people in the pic, I wouldn’t buy that this is a costume at all.
But nice job GtkG. Love the D&G belt, the Kissy Lips, the bling and the ultra buff Sean Connery douche-chest. Oh, and I’m now letting you know that I’m going to run the pics.
Other readers who’ve sent in pics of themselves going as ‘bags for Halloween include C Dog, going for the Jersey Guido look. Blue, who attempted the “Joey Porsche Lips.” Evan, attempting the hallowed “Double Collar Pop.” West Side ‘Bag goes Miami Beach Douche. Tim busts a classic douche costume with Santa Hottie in tow. And A bunch of fans of the site in Jersey went superdouche here and here. And a genius tribute to Orangebags were performed by readers here and here.
Orange Face. Love it.
Nice work, people. I’m honored to have helped inspire such costumed douchebaggery. Just be careful you don’t get a taste for the Goose and start running with it.