The Boobie Sun God
I believe there’s an Outkast inspired Andre 29.99 douchechoad somewhere in this pic. I know he’s a tool. But enough about him.
I’m distracted.
Distracted by heavenly pillows that dancing schnauzers in lederhosen chase over chocolate covered mountain tops shaped like 19 year old flesh tatines.
Firm, succulent mounds that rise like a glowing boobie sun, gazing down at the dappled hinterlands. Like that sun with that creepy Nazi Baby Himmler head on The Teletubbies.
A Sun Boobie that commands me, in a firm tenor voice: Grab me, DB1! Paw me like a blind man looking for his car keys in a jar full of marbles!
And I would.
Because I dare not disobey the Boobie Sun God.