Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The Splitter

Like a douche fastball, the splitter deceives. He cuts towards the plate and then suddenly drops with dripping forehead and cheesy facial pubes.

Can rockerbags like The Splitter here be redeemed?

Or have they gone too far down the yellow brick road to the land of Munchchoadville to ever recover?

Not sure. I see a glimmer of hope somewhere beneath all that gel. Maybe I’m nuts, but The Splitter’s douchery seems more Gary Gygax than Richard Grieco.

Sadly, Cowboy Boobies is beyond hope. Caught in a deep centrifugal toilet flush of rank scrotological reject, she is Bleethed to the point of no return. But hey. Can Cans.

# posted by douchebag1

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