Smells Like Poo
And the nominees for the 2007 Douchie for “Smells Like Poo” are:
Smells like Poo Finalist #1: The Greaseheads
These cesspools polluting a Nordic Hott ran on the site back in August.
But not forgotten.
Smells like Poo Finalist #2: The Cowlicker
All the way back in April, The Cowlicker licked his greasy eurodouche ways into our lives.
And we’ve been salty ever since.
Is there any more noxious odor of douche-poo than in watching this sexy Swedish Hott get Germanic Saliva all over her cheekbone?
Methinks not.
Is she too angular?
No way.
She is 45 Degree Sine Curves of Nordic Hott.
I would pretend to be neutral during the war while secretly keeping all the money deposited in my banks, just to taste her milk chocolates.
Smells like Poo Finalist #3: Tatman Begins
Not to be confused with Douche Fighting Superhero Batbag, Tatman is a whole other beast.
The Tatman first brought his smirk, stubble, tats, and pasty white doughy visage to our collective eyes back in August, and I still feel dirty.
His wafting fetid odor is unmistakable.
As is the hierarchy of tongue licks.
This one’s an open vote.
Who gets the 2007 Douchie?
Vote in the comments thread.