Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Catching an Abacrab

Reader Wendi writes in with a ‘bag capture story:

I was at this party with my friends and noticed this cheesey guy in the corner. You could tell he thought he was all that. Anyways, he and his buddies were talking about other people at the party, about how in shape one was compared to the other.

These really hot girls were sitting with them egging them on of course, when one guy walked by and said “whatever dude… now this is a six pac” and lifts up his shirt.

They all started laughing and told him he didn’t have a six-pac, he had a two-pac.

Mr. Cheesey Grin thinking he was all that lifts up his shirt and says, “Now THIS is a six pac!”

– Wendi

Nicely captured, Wendi, and you tell it so well.

The Abacrab move is a stage-3 Douche Alert. And I hate to admit it because she looks Bleethed out and trampy, but I’m kinda hot for 50s pin-up girl in a sort of Betty Page by way of Michelle Phillips way.

# posted by douchebag1

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