Saturday, January 5, 2008

Friday Night Choad

What is it about the chest reveal that causes a ‘bag to make the douche-lips at the same time? Are there hidden strings connecting chest hair and the lower muscles of the jaw?

Regardless, it is Friday, and your scruffy narrator is just now recovering from the New Years festivities and massive quantities of alcohol consumption.

Good pics have been flowing in, and things are gearing up to full speed on the site as of Monday. If you want to submit a hottie/douchey pic, send it along to me at

It is a thunderous downpour here in Los Angeles as I sit on my floor and scratch myself. Because it can’t just rain here. Like everything else in L.A., it has to be Biblical.

But I sip my cup of the ‘Train and contemplate the masks of douche performativity, the eternal chase of the hott, and the crappitude of bad white guitar players. But, in the immortal words of Bob Marley, every little thing’s gonna be all right.

# posted by douchebag1

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