Identifying the Stage 1 and 2 Bleeth
The early stages of Grieco Infection in a hott, or what we call The Bleeth, can be observed in two distinct forms.
On our left of Rocky Dennis ‘Bag is a stage-1 Bleeth. Still pure and unpolluted. A sweet smile and perfect humpable lickable lollipop body.
On our right of Sneery McBugglasses is a stage-2 Bleeth. Large sunglass growth, but still no hand gestures or annoying bling. A perfect tiny Phoebe Cates mouth. And the potential Quartasian factor is a huge plus.
The difference is subtle, but important to note.
When attempting to save a hott from douche virus infection, stage 1 and stage 2 Bleeths are still very much rescuable, so both of these girls qualify. It’s the stage-3/4 toxics that are much larger challenges.
And Spiky McClevershirt’s belt buckle sucks.