Tuesday, January 15, 2008

    Criss Angel

    Criss Angel is:

    A. A homeless man
    B. The love child of Abe Vigoda and a mound of uncooked cookie dough
    C. Pulling a rabbit out of his ass
    D. A Vegas douche with a Penthouse pet who wouldn’t be caught dead posing with him if he wasn’t rich and famous
    E. All of the Above and a shot of Axe Bodyspray

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, January 14, 2008

    McCutie's 'Bag Tag

    Reader McCutie goes ‘bag hunting and writes in with the following capture story:

    Dear DB1,

    My friends and I went to Hilton Head for a bachelorette party… Little did we know that Hilton Head is a sanctuary for douchebags!

    On our second night we decided to have a contest of who could get a picture with the biggest douche. I think our contest went swimmingly. See for yourself…

    — McCutie

    I’m not sure what “Hilton Head” is, but I’m assuming it’s next to “Lohan Hand” and “Simpson Foot.” Regardless, nice capture McCutie, you seem to have found a K-Federbag in action.

    And by action, I mean grease trail.

    On an unrelated note, Photobag, the photographer of the Whale Squirts pic, does not get $50/day, that was a joke I inserted. Please do not email him requesting him to work your party at that rate.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, January 14, 2008

    Lysol FAQ

    How often do I need to apply disinfectant products to control germs in my home?

    Answer: Generally speaking, it is a good idea to use LYSOL® disinfectants regularly and thoroughly, especially on commonly touched surfaces in the home or when someone in the home is ill.

    Apply daily to prevent the growth of odor causing bacteria, mold, and mildew.

    Do disinfectant products kill viruses as well as bacteria?

    Answer: Not necessarily. It’s important to check the label of any disinfectant product before purchasing. LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray has been proven to kill 99.9% of many bacteria and viruses in 30 seconds. LYSOL® Disinfectant Spray helps protect your household from the harmful viruses that other products may leave behind — viruses that could cause illnesses such as Rhinovirus, the leading cause of the common cold and Rotavirus, the leading cause of infectious diarrhea among children.

    How can I tell if a disinfectant product is working?

    Answer: It is best to buy a trusted brand, such as LYSOL®, which has years of scientific development behind it and is continuously and rigorously tested. All LYSOL® Disinfectants have been registered by the EPA, and when used as directed, are effective and safe.

    But not necessarily for cleaning up the bacteria left by a trio of uberdouche.

    From the Lysol FAQ

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, January 14, 2008


    A place where young minds go to prosper under the tutelage of their elders.

    A place where youthful intellect can flower and become refined under the guidance of years of productive course work and studying.

    A place where skinny tools get hotts they will never, ever, get again once they’re in the real world.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, January 14, 2008

    Where's Waldouche: Beach Bunny Edition

    And while you’re mulling your vote in the Weekly, somewhere in this lineup of amply endowed beach bunny boobies, I’ve carefully hidden a scoliosis suffering meaty waldouche.

    Look closely.

    Can you find him?

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, January 14, 2008

    HCwDB of the Week

    This was one of the tougher weeks to cull down to three finalists. We had such a wide variety of hottie/scrotey combinations last week that it’s almost unfair to elevate three to Finalist status. Especially when the grease factor was not only high, but also varied along so many scrotal categories.

    In light of the loss of the Whale Squirts, our Weekly takes on new urgency. By which I mean, lets drink and mock. Drink and mock. And lust for boobies.

    Here’s your finalists:

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #1: Bagnolia

    Persian Tom Cruise has a certain extra element of douchebaggery that transcends Thetan warlords implanted in a volcano.

    He is Frank T.J. Mackie by way of The Darjeeling Limited. Mission Impossible III processed through Bollywood.

    The girls are cute, not the hottest of last week, but certainly the type you’d have sold your cousin to a Brazilian Fagan type to conscript into petty thievery just for the chance to rub their sundresses on your middle toes.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #2: Brick

    Some say it’s unfair to single out the pro body builder type. Their job is to look as douchey as possible, what with the orange tans and yellow g-strings.

    But Brick is just too douchey to pass up. And his girl is absolutely mouth watering Skittles Taste the Rainbow flavor packed sugar packet.

    Now I know what you’re thinking.

    Nominating Brick for the Weekly increases the chances that Brick will bench press me into a human pretzel while I scream like a nine year old girl.

    And that possibility certainly exists.

    But I’m dedicated to my art. Exploring gender inversion identity crises in the age of mass media spectacle within the shared meaning structures of simulation requires me to risk bodily harm at the hands of Brickbag.

    And another chance to stare at her loveliness is worth being turned into a human barbell.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #3: Alpha Beta ‘Bagga

    Normally I hate to nominate pics when there is no clearly defined hottie/douchey coupling taking place.

    But the firm and spectacular female trunkajunk stands on its own two buttocks.

    And the ghostly douchewanks from Pol Pot’s The Killing Fields deserve to be mocked simply for ignoring the best show this side of P.T. Barnum’s hidden late night freakshows.

    And hey, lace dress things. Good times.

    Honorable mentions to Dotal Touchebag and The Blowtorch, who just missed the cut.

    But them’s your three.

    Which of these pics has the best balance between a hot piece of boob action and a steaming pile of ectoplasmic douche residue?

    Which pic demonstrates the wrong choices the young desirable female makes during her peak years of bloom?

    That, my friends, is up to you.

    Vote, as always, in the comments thread.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, January 13, 2008

    Sunday Hangover

    This douche looks like I feel. This hottie looks like what I’d like to feel.

    Hey, whaddaya want? Henny Youngman? It’s Sunday.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    No More Whale Squirts

    The photog of HCwDB of the Week winner The Whale Squirts writes in and requests that the pic be taken down:


    My name is (photobag) and I am a professional photographer in (some crappy city). There is a photo on your website from The White Party at (some douchey nightclub) that you did not pay me for.

    Please take it down immediately or supply me with a mailing address where I can send you a bill (for the 50 bucks a night I get paid).

    Thank You.

    – Photobag

    Joey Porsche does not approve of such cowardice, photobag. He mocks you with his greasy eyebrows and phallic Grey Goose.

    HCwDB runner-up Gabehcuod will assume the Weekly crown, and compete in the Monthly. Alas, such perfect side-boob, lost to the ether forever…

    EDIT: I can, however, provide a link to the Myspace page where the pic is still featured here.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Saturday, January 12, 2008

    The Power Chord Hearts BJs

    Creepy crimson 80’s Power Chord,who first appeared on this site back in October polluting one of the hottest hotts ever,The Queen Bee, is back.

    I’m wondering if we should backdate his guitar strumming douchosity even further. Like late 1970s.

    Hot tub sitting, 35mm porn watching, gold medallion wearing, EST enrolling late 1970s douche.

    Clearly the Power Chord had a very merry Christmas. He almost looks like your wacky uncle here. Marginal douchosity, except for the shirt. At least be clever, Power Chord. Like “I Heart Captain and Tennille, Because I’m Old.”

    Santa’s Elves can wrap my frankincense and myrrh while converting pagan holidays for mass consumption. They’re no Queen Bees, but they can still make the honey.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Friday, January 11, 2008

    The Blowtorch II

    I don’t post this second pic of the Blowtorch with Hott Sloane Peterson to taunt you.

    I know it feels that way. But trust me, that is not the real affect.

    This pic is meant to inspire you.

    Think of this not as cruelty on a Friday night, but as heroic inspiration.

    A jolt to the system.

    A shock that invigorates. Like jumping in the cold water dipping pool after 20 minutes in a sauna.

    The Blowtorch’s wrongness and Sloane Peterson Hott’s perfect lickability commingle as semiotic signifier of the singularity of cultural wrongness that only you can fix.

    By going out tonight, getting drunk on some ‘Train, and saving a Hott or three. If you’re a Hottie, by going out, getting drunk on some ‘Train, and kicking a Blowtorchbag in the nads.

    Witness the commingle and turn that spew into inspiration. Heed the call to action.

    It’s Friday night. Lets do this.

    # posted by douchebag1
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