Saturday, January 26, 2008

Random Saturday Thoughts

Random thoughts on a Saturday as I contemplate the tard factor of teeth grillz:

John Mayer, rocker, poet, soulful guitar player of complexity and depth, has stopped blogging. Apparently crappy writing defending Jessica Simpson’s breasts worked against the careful “deep thinker” construction of his record label persona.

The Ghost of Stevie Ray Vaughn laughs at your sorriness, Mayerbag.

Lifetime HCwDB Emeritus, The Gator, along with his giant scarf, has released a five minute video so filled with ridiculousness, I couldn’t post it without a NSFH warning (Not Safe for Humanity). There are no words to describe this uberdouchebaggery, and the entire country of England shares in this shame. To wit:

“Do you want the Lamborghini? You’re going to get the Lamborghini!”

“Every man has two arms and two legs. It’s the person that wants it more who’ll get it.”

“I’m not going to punch you in the face.”

And you thought the Gator achieved epic douchebaggery simply in picture form. Keep an eye on the hidden Grey Gooses at the 3:30 mark.

And finally, I really really like Chips Ahoy cookies. They’re tasty.

EDIT: For those in the comments threads slowly hypnotized by The Gator’s pull, I’d remind you that his background image on his laptop is a picture of his own abs. ‘Nuff said.

# posted by douchebag1

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