Thursday, February 28, 2008

Ask DB1: The Bleeth

writes in with a question about The Bleeth level, as seen in the pic from a few days ago, “The L”:


I’m all for hot chicks, in whatever form they take, but seriously now.

Isn’t a hot chick with enough eyeliner to make her look like a raccoon, flaunting a big fugly Louis Vuitton purse with lace half gloves right out of an 80’s Madonna video basically the female equivalent of a douchebag?

What you’re describing is what we call “The Bleeth” level, or sometimes “The Douchebaguette,” which is the level of toxic douchebaggery in a hott (or former hott) who has spent too much time exposed to uber-douche, aka The Grieco Virus.

However, there is an important delineation between the stage-1/2 still redeemable Bleeth, and the stage 3/4 “No Hotties for Non Douche” tramp-stamped lost former chickas. Determining that line is a complex process which I cover in greater depth in my book, ironically titled “Hot Chicks with Douchebags” and currently available for Pre-Order from

The picture here features a stage-3 Bleeth. Likely unredeemable. High levels of ‘Baguette. But not yet a stage-4. I try not to feature too many pics of the stage-4 Bleeth. Yeesh.

# posted by douchebag1

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