Saturday, March 22, 2008

Retro Douche: The Boz

Reader Danny Noonan writes in with an important retro scrote:


You certainly don’t need creative input from me, but I was thinking the other day about the possible genesis of some of todays protodouches and I think a possible candidate for a Greico rival is Brian Bosworth.

You remember him, he played linebacker for Oklahoma and the Seattle Seahawks back in the 80s. He popularized the mullet with designs shaved in and hair dye.

He wore a bandana religiously. He sported half-shirts and leather vests with no undershirt routinely. He wore tight fitting acid washed jeans. He inspired a generation of white guys to some horrendous fashion fauxpas (myself included). He was truly ahead of his time in his douchification.

Excellent points Danny, and congrats on shtupping the forever ultra hott Lacy Underalls.

Football players, like rockstars, are given minimal leeway when it comes to scroting it up. But the Boz brings rank cheese to that rarified Billy Ray Cyrus level.

During the early 1990s “Famous Non-Actors in Action Hero Roles” film movement — what I like to refer to as the American Poo Wave, or the Cool as Ice Era — The Boz made a tremendously rank impact in the film Stone Cold. For that movie alone, we must clear space for The Boz in the rank of late 80s early 90s proto-douche.

When you see the 80s Boz Mullet Look, you realize that slapping The Boz about the head and face area with a smelly, dead, week old mackerel may be the only societal recourse.

# posted by douchebag1

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