Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Amy's 'Bag Tag

Reader Amy writes in:

Heyyyy DB1….I saw these doucheBAGS from across the sidewalk and I just could not resist the urging temptation to get a picture with him AND lumber jack douche.

Can you do anything creative with it?????

Please don’t tell me it was all for nothing!!!!!!!!

-Amy (on the right)

It’s not bad for your first capture, Amy, but tagging the stage 1 douche is easier than the higher up game (stages 3 and 4). Note no hand gestures and only minimal shirt douchage. Forehead grease is toxic, though. However you may have to throw these two back. State Douching Licenses dictate at least a stage-2 level for true ‘bag tagging.

# posted by douchebag1

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