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Luckily, Cheryl managed to find Robodouche’s “off” button before any real damage was done.
The Iowa City High School prom quickly spun out of control once someone smuggled in a Sharpie.
(douche diggler)
Pablo suffered a type II neck sprain while trying to avert his eyes from the hottie/douchie train wreck in front of him.
(douchey mcscroterson)
Backstage at the Menudo Reunion Tour.
Although Cindy was told she’d be working with a bow tied Staff for the Mexican buzz cut festival, the look on her face clearly shows her disappointment when she realized what the promoter meant.
Bif, tired of accusations of illiteracy, inked his favorite Shakespearean character’s name around his torso, “Sir John Falstaff.”
(mr. white)