Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Frog Flamethrower

I’ve always had this dream to build and patent a flamethrower that shoots tiny flaming frogs out of it. Little frogs on fire. Bullfrogs, maybe. Or tree frogs. Either way. They’d work like organic napalm, little splats of frog fire that smush into the douche-face like a mixture of spittle, fire and amphibious feet.

Okay, so maybe no one understands my lifelong dream to build a frog flamethrower.

Maybe the patent office kicked me out when I applied for my Frog Flamethrower Patent. And maybe they asked me to take my twelve inch pianist with me.

But if the Flowbee can be patent pending, why not a Frog Flamethrower? That way I could take out this nasty bleethed pair of wrong by laying down a crossing pattern of flaming frog fire.

Yup, The DB1 is drunk on the Mad Dog 20/20. And it ain’t even noon.

# posted by douchebag1

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