The Slutt/Hott Duality
It’s important to note that blondie here is demonstrating what noted German philosopher Jurgen Habermas describes as the “slutt/hott duality.”
The S/H Duality, emerging in the late 1980s within post-Derridean deconstruction, simply states that one can simultaneously be repelled by the trashiness while also desiring to grab onto and possess the boobie.
It is a form of double consciousness rooted in gender performance, the sex drive and witnessing really fantastic ta-tas.
She is desirable, yet the pink pokey bra thing is all that is bar trashy. This state of double-think emerges from fragmentation, as culture and subculture collide around the boobie.
He, of course, remains indisputably and singularly poo. A pure ubermensch of poo.