Friday, May 16, 2008

Bagwatch Nights

Another solid week of submissions, props to all who sent in emails of hott/douche wrongness.

Monday’s Monthly should be a tough vote, although the early line in Vegas is Bra!! 2:1.

I’m sitting on my floor enjoying a tasty Trader Joes Blood Orange Soda and reflecting on whether this Beach Haiku group is Joey Porsche related, or just so greasy I can’t tell the difference.

Hard to say. But I do know this.


In “HCwDB in the News” updates, the site was featured on the following French site here (NSFW). Given “douche” is French for “shower,” I’d imagine there’s some confusion over there. Those wacky French. First Foucault, then this.

Props to mc 900 foot douchebag for noting in the comments threads that HCwDB made it into the pages of Metro New York.

Also emails are pouring in that HCwDB legend, The Gator (new pic), has a character in Grand Theft Auto IV based on his preening douchery. My first question in response, “Can you kill him?” Sadly, no. But you do get to mock him, apparently. Props to the GTA guys if they really did base a character on this HCwDB Hall of Scrote mainstay, and 2007 Irving Thallbag Douchie Award Winner.

# posted by douchebag1

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