Friday Thoughts
So I was buying my usual lunch today in Larchmont; deer, avacado and fluff sandwich with a large tapioca boba. When suddenly I looked up at the sky and, in a moment of alcoholic clarity, it struck me.
The boobie hottie suckle thigh congregates with douche because of spectacle monkey dance.
So I turned to an old lady walking her dachshund by me on the sidewalk.
“Excuse me,” I said.
She stopped and turned. “Yes?”
“The boobie hottie suckle thigh congregates with douche because of spectacle monkey dance.”
A long moment passed before she spoke.
“Excuse me. I have to go now.” It was all she said.
She walked away. But I knew right then that I’d saved another old lady walking her dachshund from eternal damnation.
Yes, I’ve said this before. And I’ll say it again. Because the doucheface is poo. And the hotts need saving. Those are my words of wisdom on this Friday’s eve.
Take them and bear them into the real world, my friends, fellow ‘bag hunters and compatriots. And they will lead you to truth.