Friday, May 16, 2008

Friday Thoughts: Chug Life

I have nothing profound to offer up this week, other than my recent meditations on the boobie hottie suckle thigh.

The boobie hottie suckle thigh are many, but they are also one. They are the female confused by male douchebaggery. The young perky thing who knows not why she allows the simian greasewank to fondle her roughly.

She privileges Chug Life because Chug life embodies the televisual overwhelm. She is confused, and his spectacle confuses.

But Chug Life is simply culturally constructed illusion. Chug Life is, how you say, a tool.

Once we pull back the digital curtain, he’s just a pale-ass choad with a stupid tattoo.

And so we mock, as another rotation spins us into evening.

I crack my PBR and tip it to Big Sarge and every other ‘bag hunter and hunterette who sees the cultural douchecay. And who mocks with irreverent wit and hopeful rumination.

# posted by douchebag1

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