Reader Mail
Porcelain Hott writes in with a roommate ‘bag tag:
First I’d like to start off by saying my boyfriend and I are big fans of your site. If I’m in need of a good laugh quick I know right where to go.
But on to the meat of this email, I was browsing my soon-to-be-roommate’s Facebook and came upon a rather douchetastic photo that would perhaps be to your liking. The douche not only sports a douchey hand gesture, but uses it to lift his shirt and expose his man nip and wannabe six pack. The little hott is my future roommate, and I find her to be rather adorable. If you choose to show it on the site I would be very honored, but if not I completely understand your overwhelming supply of choad images. Either way, enjoy!
Your admirer,
Porcelain Hott
I had something articulate to say, P.H., but I lost it right around the time you wrote The little hott is my future roommate, and I find her to be rather adorable.
Pillow fights and oil massages are a wonderful way to relax after a long day, P.H. Trust me, I know. I’m pretty sure that’s how every female roommate situation ends up.