Friday Goose Running
When hott and scrote come together, it is worse than when Zuul and Vinz Clortho unlocked the hellfires of Gozer the Destroyer. When perfectly formed boobie suckle thigh and rank smelling Axe Body Spray chest shaving tool conjoin, it is a rip in the collective fabric of universal hope and transcendence.
We have sold out our sexuality to name-brand deification. Our bodies, the imprinteur of a post-ethnicity class system determined by Madison Avenue codes and signifiers. A/X. D&G. Ed Hardy. The new subculture, name brand ethnicity, image tribes sold as product.
We eroticize the brand because the brand validates our sexual worth in the simulacrum. And the simulacrum perpetually shifts the goalposts to keep us spending.
Or, as Donkey Douche responds, “Tribal tatt? I’ll show you a tribal tatt!”
I leave you tonight with Donkey Douche’s tribal tatt, the only coherent response to an incoherent culture. No matter how douchey the clubs get tonight, there is always tomorrow. And there is always hope we will transcend.