Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Glare of the Emo

Emobags with anime hair are a definite stage-3 violation on the Douchal Hierarchy chart.

Emobags achieve a douche-face with neither kissy lips nor sneer. Their look says, “I don’t bathe because I protest a cruel and inhumane world, and I want to touch your boobies.”

Sultry Suzanne is that perfect mix of Quartasian with ripe, cherubic cheekbones and Mia-Sara-in-Ferris-Bueller hair.

I would sacrifice a confused Balisian rhesus monkey on a makeshift shrine meant to honor Thorax, God of the Inner Ear, just for the chance to summon rain clouds to water her garden petunias after she overslept after taking an extra xanax the previous night.

# posted by douchebag1

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