Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Morgan's 'Bag Tag

    writes in with a stage-2 Fratbag ‘tag:


    I was at the Wavehouse yesterday in Mission Beach and saw this tool dancing with a super hotty.

    This place is known for its bleached out coked out chicks running around half naked so I feel it is my duty as an American to go… where of course many douches will follow.

    — Morgan

    He’s standard issue scrote, Morgan, nothing too exceptional, but still a legitimate ‘bag tag. Although the vintage 2004 Kutcher-hat and gino-shades are itchy. Speaking of, 2003-2004 Ashton Kutcher is an often overlooked nexus point for celebubag infection.

    As to Party Hott, she clearly has a healthy spleen and chewable clavicles. I would partake like a greedy blowfish after a Brazilian monsoon.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    HCwDB in San Francisco – July 27th

    Your humble narrator on all things boobie/poopie,The DB1, will be doing a book reading and signing this Sunday, July 27th, at the Virgin Megastore in San Francisco (2 Stockton St) at 4pm.

    Come by, share a Ho-Ho and a red plastic cup of the ‘Train and listen to me pontificate on the unholy dialectic of hott/douche commingling.

    In trying to imagine what would be uniquely Franciscan Douchescrotery, this couple was all I could come up with. Am I off-base in pinning down the S.F. hott/scrote in pic form?

    Come say hi on Sunday, San Franciscan HCwDB Fans. Represent.

    In addition, I will be interviewed on tomorrow’s (Wednesday’s) Mancow radio show. And if you’d like to hear my July 10th appearance on KROQ’s Kevin & Bean check it out (starts almost halfway in).

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    United Colors of 'Bagetton

    Somewhere in this swirling mix of multicultural douchery, I’ve carefully hidden a doe eyed hott. Can you survive the choverwhelm enough to find her?

    And while you’re cozying up to the bar to recover, Who ordered the ‘Orange Russian’? (warning, no hott chaser with that poison)

    Maybe Joey Lawrence can help sort this out… WHOA!!

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, July 22, 2008

    Caption This Pic

    Kendra began to wonder if Tony and Pierre really were casting directors for “Harry Potter and the Curse of Repressed British Alcoholism Later in Life,” or if they just wanted to get in her pants.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 21, 2008

    E Pluribus Scrotum

    So I’m sitting on my carpet, only minimally hung over, when it occurs to me. She is rural Boston gum snapping sexy/trashy cute. And this guy sucks.

    Now, I know what you’re thinking. “DB1, why is that an epiphany? That should’ve been obvious from the moment their pixelated visages first reached and registered on your synapses.” And yes, that’s true.

    But there’s another point that emerges from his suckage.

    We’ve covered many of the douchier scrotewankeries locked in perpetual yin-yang dialectic with the hottie boobie. But sometimes we catch douche aura in action. The emergence of a spectral scrotosity. Ethereal, like a ghost. Yet quantifiable, like a titmouse.

    Because if anything is quantifiable, it’s titmeese.

    This is a perfect example of douche aura. Yes he sucks for the unworthiness of the Plissken t-shirt and the mug of punchable muguousness. But the primal gut reaction of this coupling is greater than the physical factors at play.

    It is douche aura rendered corporeal. And as such, he, uhm, sucks alpaca balls.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 21, 2008

    2 x 2

    Two happy soccer mom blondes.

    Two orange clowns competing with the dancing chicken for coin at the traveling fair in Tallahassee.

    One “that guy” dude in the background whom no one ever notices and lives in the periphery of the collective unconscious.

    I’d add ’em up but I’m so damaged by that aqua blue collar pop that I’m about to head into room 101 and loudly proclaim that 2+2=5.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 21, 2008

    1994 Mugs an Alba

    I love you, blonde, perfectly formed Alba carbon copy genetic reproduction.

    I would learn to chant rhythmically in Spanish just so I could charm the housekeeper into letting me come in and hump your teddy bear while you’re out buying groceries at Mayfair Market.

    I would spend years slavishly painting great works of art using only acrylic paint, small lumps of coal and pieces of broken glass, just so you would ignore my paintings as you strolled through a museum whilst texting on your iphone.

    You inspire me to take showers thrice daily in the hopes that one particle of the shower water might someday reach the ocean while you’re bodysurfing with your personal trainer, Karl, and find its way under your taught, yet oh so firm, spandex bikini. At which point my particle of shower water would shout “Booya!!”

    Which is very odd. Because shower water doesn’t usually talk.

    Oh, and 1994 is a douche. Because… uhm… because he just is.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 21, 2008

    HCwDB of the Week

    Here it is, fellow ‘bag hunters. The final HCwDB of the Week to select the fourth slot for next week’s HCwDB of the Month Scrote-Off.

    This week’s cuts of hott/choad have a strange sort of symmetry. Each coupling seems to be in nearly the same position as the others. As if the gods are saying, See the patterns… mock the scrotewanks… for we are all one…

    I talk to the gods a lot. Especially Poseidon. That dude cracks me up.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #1: Predatorbag

    For bringing back nostalgic memories of jungle-hiding aliens who can take out Bill Duke and Action Jackson with a single blast, Predatorbag has to get a nom.

    And besides. I never get tired of screaming get to the choppah!!

    Screamed it once during a safari at an elephant in my pajamas. How an elephant got into my pajamas, I’ll never know.

    The blonde is girl-next-door cute. Not model-hott overwhelming, but sexy enough that you’d sneak out during your parents pool party during spring break just to catch a glimpse of her in a bikini. At which point you’d soil yourself.

    Which is embarrassing. Who soils themselves in their 20s?

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #2: Pimpit

    There’s much to be said for the colliding wrong of the hott/choad in this pic.

    Pimpit brings the brand-name douchal infection to new heights, while blondie invokes the power of the Douchadox — the moment when ‘bag hunter is simultaneously attracted to and repulsed by the Bleethed out hott.

    Her curves are fine.

    His lip-ring harkons the ethos of herp sore metaphor.

    Together, they make a douchal peanut butter cup.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #3: Ice Man

    As with Pimpit, Ice Man didn’t immediately jump out at me as a Weekly Finalist.

    But then the truth and beauty of Ice Man’s Ass Woman sunk in. As Chowda So Good You’ll Lick Your Bowls put it:

    I bet when sweet Jenny’s delicious salad shooter produces a dainty little movement, it comes out in a cute little jewelry box wrapped in gold foil complete with a bow right before an angel gently glides by to whisk it away from her magnificent bottom.

    Jenny’s ass does not poop. It creates harmonic symphonies that vibrate across the universe and inspire imperfections in expanding universes that create planets who can only dream of cooling enough in billions of years to produce organic matter with as curvy an ass as Jenny’s ass.

    And Ice Man is the everybag. Douchey enough to inspire rage, even without the bling and hand gestures. But enough to take the Weekly?

    That, my friends, is up to you.

    Honorable mention to The Boobie Epiphany and The Weatherhead, both of whom just missed the cut.

    Them’s your three. Which coupling combines the best/worst of the thighs/scrote to merit a win? Vote, as always, in the comments thread.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, July 20, 2008

    He Just Kisses Bitches and Drinks

    Facebook poet and visionary He Just Bangs Bitches and Drinks has an important warning for the ladiez on this Sunday:

    If you suck at kissing..it’ll end right there…I’m not desperate and I’m not that kind of guy

    You’ve been warned.

    Man, that chinstrap is thinner than Miley Cyrus on Benzedrine.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, July 20, 2008

    The Weatherhead


    The driving force of the human race. To conquest. To control. To rise above and go beyond the bounds and limits of space.

    Leif Ericson. Christopher Columbus. Neil Armstrong. Each took that leap forward to a new land of discovery. When George Mallory was asked why he climbed Mt. Everest, he responded simply, “because it was there.”

    The Weatherhead follows this same primal human drive. The Weatherhead knows that to wear glasses, headband and still have one’s hair spike up six inches can first occur only as a dream. To balance a Bud Light on top of a coke, while awkwardly embracing a pool hott must first be drawn up on graph paper.

    It takes months, maybe years of planning. But The Weatherhead has a dream. And The Weatherhead triumphs.

    Let us all learn the lessons of risk and reward that Weatherhead offers us. And by learn the lesson, I mean stare at skinny bikini girl’s firm yet soft yet firm yet soft butt bongos.

    # posted by douchebag1
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