Saturday, July 19, 2008
Big Douche at the Scottsdale Bars II
Here’s another viral video produced to go with that great Scottsdale song parody, very nicely done.
Or, if you need a jolt of caffeinated scroadchoadpoo (without the hott chaser, sadly, so be warned), check out The Jerz Guido Street Dance.
Saturday, July 19, 2008Trashbags
The Southwestern Trashbag can be tagged using the following factors:
1. Boat
2. Visors
3. Muscle t-s
4. Bad Credit Rating
4. Unhealthy obsessions with 1980s WWF superstar The Iron Shiek
And then there’s the happy rural girl-next-door belle with the delightful smile who smells like Prell shampoo and Taco Bell.
She knows Trashbag sucks. But hey, he has a boat.
Saturday, July 19, 2008No More Quaker Scrote
The boobs featured in Wednesday’s Quaker Scrote pic write in:
You have a picture up of me im wearing a pink dress and a jewish symble around my neck. It is illegal to use someone elses pictures without there consent and it better be removed immediately or i will take legal action asap.
If there’s anything I’d hate to misuse, it’s symbles without there consent.
So since we’re going with the Moses Bling theme, here’s a suitable replacement.
Friday, July 18, 2008Misc. Friday Stuff
Miscellaneous links as I clear out the pixel-attic on a slow, smoggy L.A. Friday:
HCwDB legend The Batbag is very excited about his movie opening today, The Dark Scrote.
The Oakland A’s are using Jerz Guids to promote bobblehead sales, disturbing a number of readers up in Oakland to send in this link.
NFL coach Mike Ditka Discovers Tanning Beds.
The musical guys at Foglizard wrote a song dedicated to HCwDB. I am honored. Anyone who rhymes “tan in a can” with “Grieco’s our man” deserves major props, and the whistle solo is genius. We need more whistle solos in rock. Basically there’s The Bangles’ Walk Like an Egyptian and Paul Simon’s Me and Julio Down By the Schoolyard. Need more.
Looks like Ken Pringle, the Mayor of Belmar NJ likes to make fun of guidos:
In his weekly newsletter to summer renters, the mayor, borrowing a reference he thought was fairly commonly used in his town, and lifting an incident from “njguido.com,” described a certain type that descends on Belmar:
‘Guidos as kind of a rare bird and are “as welcome as, oh, Canada geese.”‘
Pringle switched to full damage control mode on Wednesday.
“In a very positive way, the 20-somethings who consider themselves to be ‘guidos,’ it’s not an epithet,” Pringle said. “In my own town, I will tell you that there are people who don’t like it; but it’s like a generational divide on this issue.”
Alison Lupinacci and her friends say even though their parents hate it, they are on that generational side of Italians who think the term is OK and defines it the term as:
“They mean… pump their hair, spiked hair, chains… you know, big muscles,” Lupinacci said.
Yes. Yes they do. And more from the Daily News:
The newsletter also tossed a few darts at “Guidos” in town.
“They’re always tanned to the color of coconut shells and easily identified by their plumage: satin shirts and short skirts on the females; Armani Exchange T-shirts and artfully distressed jeans on the males,” he wrote. “The call of the Guido is bellowing, and frequently slurred, invariably starting with the sound, ‘Yo.'”
Ever get the feeling Mayor Pringle reads HCwDB?
Nice to see The D-Neck Tee Shirt enter the lexicon, although I’d personally call it “The Gator Neck.”
Jules is so sexy, he don’t even need no ladies.
And then there’s the simultaneous slap/pie move which I can’t tell if it’s douchey or really damn funny.
Your humble narrator is coming off a very busy week promoting the book and other good things.
I sit and ruminate. I meditate and flatulate.
And all is good as the setting sun casts its rays through the smoggy underbrush of a city on fire.
Friday, July 18, 2008Rudy's New Years
Nothing says classy New Years like frosting up them tips, undoing your shirt six buttons, and busting the Rosary Bling. Nicely put together there, Rudy. Aud Lang Syne never sounded so greasy.
Sweet Pouty Turkish Delight, drop the hirsute ball of grease and come let me rub chickenfat on your lower back area while seducing you with rose petals, caviar and a small Belgian tap-dancer named Jurgen, whom we would mock by firelight.
After four hours of chickenfat rubbing, we would retire to the living room to watch David Cronenberg’s Scanners in high-def, pausing on the head explosion for me to softly comfort your fears. You would then call a cab, and I’d have to watch the rest of the movie alone.
Dammit. Why don’t they ever enjoy watching Scanners after a delightful evening mocking a small Belgian tap-dancer?
Yup. It’s Friday. And your humble narrator has slipped on a pop-culture reference, tripped over two misplaced commas, and passed through the looking glass into pure incoherence.
Friday, July 18, 2008Bugsy
Ladies, he’s not the coolest senior in your small Iowa farming community.
I know you’re impressed because he runs stop signs and once told the guy at the 7-11 to “eat me raw.” I know you think he’s the bomb when he freestyles to Lil’ Wayne.
But no, ladies. This won’t get back at daddy.
He does, however, feature stylin’ wood paneling from the Home Depot. On sale through Friday for $9.99 a yard.
Friday, July 18, 2008Friday Haiku
Boobie Blonde says, “Shhh….”
Goose Runner in the distance,
Blue Hat, like douche moon.
retarded muppet
is offering up the goose
to bikini hotts
— johnny scrotten
everybody loves a clown
but not this time
back in the small car bozo
— douchetoevsky
Snapple crawls up beach
Tries to cop a feel of hott.
Kill him, Snapple, kill.
— mr. white
“Charlie’s Angels” hotts
who knew Charlie and Bosley
were such giant ‘bags?
Fuzzy blue hat douche,
keep out of hottie sammich.
Reverse oreo!
— blair
Thursday, July 17, 2008Buffalo Scroteja
J-Lo Milf is sweet, and has a lovely patch of pale cleavite, and maybe even a hint of Mr. Nipper, showing.
Yeah, I just said “Mr. Nipper.” My ancestors weep with shame.
But we haven’t had a Hippie/Rastabag on the site in awhile. Not even one who looks like Ram Sweeney in Heathers.
Thursday, July 17, 2008Caption This Pic
Jennifer had the distinct feeling that the Douche-Radar Antenna she bought on sale at Radio Shack might be busted.
Reader Mail: Henry's 'Bag Tag
Long-time reader, first-time writer. I was in San Diego for a buddy’s bachelor party this past weekend and to celebrate the 4th, we decided to hangout at the beach front patio of our hotel, which as a common area had many hotts.
One such Hott was the cute brunette in the attached pic. Soon enough she remarked about some Eminem-wannabe douche scrote (who was trying to start his own New Douche Move 2008 by “Running with the Absolut”). I immediately realized her ‘bag hunter potential and showed her your site on my Blackberry. She became an immediate fan.
By the time she was ready to tag her first, the high level game had vacated, but we were able to corner the low-level scrote pictured. While he is absent mandanas or hand gestures, I believe that the soul patch, arched eyebrow, and especially the chain & lock arm tattoo are proof positive of Grieco infection.
PS – I promised her that her ‘bag tag would make it on-line, so if the pic is clear enough please help this fellow douche-hunter in pursuit of the hott keep his word and keep guiding this ‘bag-hunting padawan.
Nicely done, sir. Now put down the keyboard and follow up with that girl by massaging her ankles with tea tree oil and a dash of parsley, while humming the theme to Stripes. That move never fails.