Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    The Pimpit

    Many people still struggle to understand the concept of the Douchebaguette — the Female Douche aka The Bleeth.

    The Bleethed Hott remains in possession of the sexy boobie suckle thigh, but has become so polluted from proximity to “Pimpit” types, that you just know she’s a huge pain in the ass.

    This does not mean one still wouldn’t desire to lick her upper arm area like an unmedicated Michael J. Fox on Taurine. Only that redemption for the hott is no longer possible. And we must lament the dark destructive force of douchescrotery on her once fair and pure bosoms.

    Or something like that. I need a coffee.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    Where's Waldouche? Frat Tard Edition

    Somewhere in this lineup of Arizona State Pre-Med Major Future Nurses of America, I’ve carefully hidden a Fratdouche clown. And his bored best friend, Arnie.

    Look closely.

    Can you spot him?

    For degree of difficulty, I’ve replaced Ubiquitous Red Cup with Rare-Ass Blue Cup.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Tuesday, July 15, 2008

    Reader Mail: b4-4 and Ireland

    (warning: This b4-4 music video not safe for children, small woodland creatures, and humans with even rudimentary levels of self awareness)

    cieran writes in all the way from Ireland:


    i’m from ireland love your site man but is it possible douchebags are mostly native to the americas? here in ireland i can honestly say i’ve never seen a real douchebag in the wild. we have no pool parties no fraternities and no red cups. colin farrel is a class a douche for sure but other than that i cant think of a single one. also that b4-4 video is amazing.

    you should take the site down and just put a link to that vid because it has it all douche headlocks ab lobsters and just generally reeks of srotatalia.

    please hit me back db1 your legendary status has reached as far as ireland and it would mean alot to hear back from you. cheers mate-


    Well observed, Ciaran, and on behalf of the douchal plague unleashed on the world by American mass media spectacle and name brand culture, I apologize. But since b4-4 is from Canada, they must share in the North American shame of scrotological fungus we have unleashed.

    But Ciaran raises a good point — Colin Farrell. Huge fungus of cultural decay.

    You need to take at least a little responsibility for global scrotology, Ireland. You used to be the land of James Joyce, Oscar Wilde and The Pogues. Colin Farrell has rendered your glorious history of poetry, literature, music and art moot.

    Do something. Mock him until he goes away.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 14, 2008

    'Bag / Not a 'Bag: Maverick

    I know what you’re wondering. What makes Maverick a douche? He’s not really doing much of anything. No hand gestures. No facial sneer. No stupid tri-tip facial shave.

    Only a vaguely annoying fwip hair thing. And the aviator glasses from Top Gun suggesting he plays loud Kenny Loggins power chords while chest shaving each morning.

    But enough to call Maverick ‘Bag? I leave that up to you.

    And while you’re deciding, take a moment or three to chant Gregorian hymns in praise of Perfect Carla’s body of girl-next-door sin. She is Holy Sweet Jebus Crisp on a Saltine dipped in sweet foamy love hott.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 14, 2008

    Camoflage Ken

    Camobag doesn’t really have the more spectacular giveaways we associate with scrotological poopy poo.

    But then you look into those eyes. And you realize the doucheyness that lurks beneath the surface. It’s what makes Camo into the stealth douchescrote that he is.

    But oh sweet Sarah.

    How your eyes taunt me with that perfect sweet and sour delight. A wholesome grad student on the outside during the day. Willing to dress up like an Armenian weightlifter and tickle my underarms with a vibrating kumquat at night.

    Like the great, unheralded classic teen sex comedy from the mid 1980s, Malibu Bikini Shop, I would make your army bikinis out of water dissolving stitches, then enroll you in the beach race just to watch hilarity ensue right before the closing credits.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 14, 2008

    Reader Mail: 'Bag Safaris?

    Amy writes in:

    Dear DB1,

    I’m a huge fan of your website and working in a university setting where much of the student population is from Jersey, I see douchebags on a regular basis. However, this morning I was sent into fits of laughter by the videos of the dancing ‘bags. This gave me a brilliant idea. What if one were to offer douchebag safaris. See douchebags in their natural habitat! One could take people to douche-filled areas like Cabo or Jersey and play spot the douche while enjoying a cocktail. Anyway just an idea.


    Great idea, Amy, I love it. I can see the ad campaign with Richard Attenborough: Welcome…. to Doucherassic Park!

    Any intrepid travel agent readers want to partner on HCwDB Vacation Safari Getaways? I’m thinking Scottsdale, Miami Beach, the Inland Empire, Chicago, Jerz, Dallas and Cabo as part of the extended tour.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 14, 2008


    Get to the choppah!!

    # posted by douchebag1
    Monday, July 14, 2008

    HCwDB of the Week

    Bam!! Pow!! Your humble narrator is jacked on ‘Train and Frosted Flakes, and it’s only Monday Morning. The hopper is full of pics for the week, and I’m rarin’ to go. It’s smoggy and hot in smoggy-ass Los Angeles, and I sit on my floor and stare at the haze over the skyline, and think of how far we’ve come. And how far we still have to go.

    But lest I ruminate for so long that I trip over a semi-colon and tangent into a run-on sentence, I’ll shut my yap and turn it over to you. Here’s your finalists:

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #1: Ping Pong Kong

    There’s something tremendous about this pic. Maybe it’s the plethora of Ubiquitous Red Cup in the cheesy, creepy dorm rec room with the two sad balloons on the wall.

    Maybe the hilarious Pongster scrote with the silly hair and ‘beater tee.

    Or maybe it’s my unhealthy obsession with hot girls in librarian glasses that I’ve had ever since I had my first sexual awakening to Jan Smithers as Bailey Quarters on WKRP in Cincinnati reruns in the early 1980s.

    Oh Baily Quarters. We all knew you were the real hott, and Loni Anderson was just a Bleethed out piece of plastic.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #2: A.D: Artificial Douchetelligence

    So named because this orange simulation of a real human being is the douchal equivalent of Gigolo Joe in A.I.

    The only thing holding back the genius of this pic from achieving immortality is the lack of hott. The girls are just a bit too trashy to create the dialectic of Yin-Yang polarity that renders the truly superior HCwDB a Rorshach test of cultural violation and sexual desire.

    But still.

    He’s pretty god damn hilarious. About as ridiculous as we’ve ever seen. But enough to carry the weekly? That remains to be seen.

    HCwDB of the Week Finalist #3: Vin The Personal Trainer ™

    Since we haven’t had any Personal Trainer types win an HCwDB of the Week in awhile, I thought I’d give Vin his shot.

    Not to mention he’s got two pics, so is starting to build up an oeuvre of scrotological impact.

    And she is a delectable ice cream sundae of All-American Dairy Queen Soft Serve Delight.

    It was either Vin or Raggedy Andy, so it was kind of a toss-up. Raggedy Andy is also pretty hilarious/awful. I also considered giving Penis Pants a shot in the Weekly, but tough decisions had to be made, and that foot is me. And Tim probably offered up one of the hottest hotts we’ve had in awhile, but was just too happy to really be in consideration.

    So them’s your three. Which of these three couplings most makes you want to hot-poker your eyes out?

    Vote, as always, in the comments thread.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    Sunday Musings

    Thanks to all who showed up for last night’s book signing at Book Soup. I hope your humble narrator did you proud.

    Reading your own work in public is always nerve wracking, even more so when it involves frequent references to what you would do to the boobie hottie suckle thighs, but the crowd was supportive, and no scrotelobsters showed up to kick my ass, which is always good.

    Ubiquitous Red Cup was in the house, as were my HoHos and ‘Train.

    Speaking of literature writ visceral, a number of readers have been inquiring if the Hellboy/Selma Blair coupling constitutes a hott/douche situation, given that Hellboy is rocking the burnt orange skin, displaying his abs, and has a tuft of chin pubes straight out of the O.C. I’m inclined to give Hellboy a pass, what with being a mutant and all, but figured I’d open it up for debate.

    I would trade in a post-Yeti Natalie Portman at the Macy’s exchange window just to purchase a Flowbee to give Selma Blair’s cat a more even summer haircut.

    # posted by douchebag1
    Sunday, July 13, 2008

    Douche Mating Ritual II

    It gets worse.

    # posted by douchebag1
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