Reader Mail: 'Bag Safaris?
Dear DB1,
I’m a huge fan of your website and working in a university setting where much of the student population is from Jersey, I see douchebags on a regular basis. However, this morning I was sent into fits of laughter by the videos of the dancing ‘bags. This gave me a brilliant idea. What if one were to offer douchebag safaris. See douchebags in their natural habitat! One could take people to douche-filled areas like Cabo or Jersey and play spot the douche while enjoying a cocktail. Anyway just an idea.
Great idea, Amy, I love it. I can see the ad campaign with Richard Attenborough: Welcome…. to Doucherassic Park!
Any intrepid travel agent readers want to partner on HCwDB Vacation Safari Getaways? I’m thinking Scottsdale, Miami Beach, the Inland Empire, Chicago, Jerz, Dallas and Cabo as part of the extended tour.