Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The 'Bag Headlock

We haven’t seen a classic ‘bag headlock in awhile, so I thought this one would do.

That slightly insecure forearm around the head of the girl that is meant to imply tough masculinity, but only conveys deep abiding nervousness that he’s going to lose her to the next dude who stumbles to the bar.

And you will, Punky McClean. You will lose her no matter how tightly you crush her head with your tatted up arm.

She may have a bit of that Jamie Lee Curtis androgyny sexiness, but I’m going with it.

On an unrelated note, check out the Scrotiest Video Since the ‘N Sync / Backstreet ‘Bag period of September, 2000, in which a poor black kid discovers he doesn’t need money to be happy, he only needs douchebags prancing on a beach. Warning: Not safe for cultural progression.

# posted by douchebag1

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