Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ask DB1: The "Camerabag"

The camera guy in the DJ Bello clip brings up an important question:

Whither the Cameradouche?


This email is regarding the forgotten douche- the douche who actually takes the picture of the douche(s) and hott(s). Your site needs to recognize this undeniable doucheness. Although it cannot be seen, we know it exists.

It’s like the wind, if the wind thought it was a good idea to immortalize such unreasonable scenes of douchery alongside hottness, in a photograph.

Andrew Jackson-

Well said, A.J. In this example, there is the Self-Douche-Portrait. But in others, we must consider the douchery of the camera operator as a form of embedded hegemonic ideological reinforcer. Or, in post-Gramsci terms, a doucherstructure.

In regards to this pic, I’d only like to add one word. Mound Mellons.

Okay. That was two words.

# posted by douchebag1

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