Tuesday, October 21, 2008

HCwDB 2.0 on Hold

Well, the long in negotiation investor group that was going to put some serious coin into HCwDB and build this site out fell through last week. We can thank the Belvedere ordering assclowns on Wall Street.

I’d hoped to build out a larger playground for both casual visitors and regulars to play with pics in our sand simulacrum, but no such luck.

So back to me and my sad-ass tech skills holding the site together with spit n’ twine. And boobies. Lots and lots of boobies.

However, now’s a good time to ask, if you could add anything to the site, what would it be? What direction would you like HCwDB to head in? Creative thoughts? Tools? Functionality? A Slap the Grieco Flash game?

Drop a suggestion or advice in the comments thread, or email me and let me know your thoughts.

# posted by douchebag1

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