The Goggles They Do Nothing
Aww, isn’t that sweet? Matching sunglasses.
As if to tell the world, “Yes, we have merged hott and douche into a scrotal singularity.”
As to Kevin’s levitating hat trick, the formula goes like so:
1. Six ounces L.A. Looks Hair Gel
2. Detailed sleeve tatts
3. Spiked hair
4. Casually placed forearm sweatband, high enough to say “it’s casual,” but not too high to look like a triage bandage
5. Plutonium Goggles, they do nothing
Mix together on an A/Xhole in presence of Douchebaguette. Levitate Hat to 40 degrees along the Z-Axis, and 27 degrees Y. Longitude and Latitude should proceed to New Jersey by the light of the moon and sail on until dawn.