Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Ask DB1: "The Rockstar Leniency Rule"

DB1 –

I’ve been using your blog for my own (and some of my friends’, those who get it, anyway) quality entertainment for quite some time now. It’s time to contribute something of value.

A friend of mine on FB commented on somebody’s photo, and I stumbled on this while browsing the rest of the album. This guy is apparently in a “crunk” rock band. Not sure what that means, but I immediately think of garbage like Buckcherry. Either way, he deserves to be on your site, rock star or not.

And actually, I disagree with your tendency to go lightly on rock and celebri-douches. They deserve as much (if not many times more) bashing as the lesser ‘bags who have yet to achieve infamy of any kind. I mean, if you’re already famous and have the things you want in life, why be a douche? What purpose does it serve other than warn others to hold their breath as they pass you by? Unless the ways of douche are not merely a tool, but nothing less than the essence of existence for these types, and that, of course, makes celebri-douches all the more ridiculous and mockable.


– BM

You bring up an important point, BM, so lets clarify.

The “Rockstar Leniency Rule” merely states that those who achieve a performative douchosity in service of spectacle as it relates to career are given wider latitude to be uberscrote.

This does not mean “exemption.” Only leniency.

For example, Gene Simmons of KISS often acts douchey. But that’s part of his shtick. Same for many W.W.E. wrestlers. If it’s a form of kabuki — douchery as element of the theatrical — then we allow some leniency. Otherwise, rockstars can be just as choady as anyone else, and should be mocked accordingly.

# posted by douchebag1

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