Thursday, December 18, 2008

Celebrity HCwDB of the Year: Criss Angel and Assorted Hotts

Barely beating out Marissa Miller and her human Ass-Pimple husband, it was the homeless scrote, Criss Angel, and assorted Hotts, for the solid victory and the 2008 Douchie. As Levon puts it:

I vote Criss Angel. He trumps these other mega-tools because he has a uber-shitty cirque du soleil show in Las Vegas. He didn’t even get one star from any of the critics. NOT EVEN HALF A STAR. Both he and his show blow goats and eat cow patties.

And Anonymous:

Criss Angel…easily. Watching the muppets being raped would be more pleasant than staring at this jackass. The fact that he has a veritable army of Hotts is even more infuriating.

And SkyPork:

There is no contest here. Chrisss Angel has created, from the ether, an entirely new dimension of Douche. The scrotosity we see is only a multi-dimensional shadow cast by Crisss’s true form, from a higher plane of doucheal wankism we can’t even detect. Nor would we want to.

And Chris in ‘Baghdad:

“Criss” Angel of course. He is no angel and does not know how to spell Chris. His whole weird go out is demonically creepy, his bling sucks, but he does nail D list sleazy celebrity hotts with regularity.

Woe is the state of the once classy area of performance magic. From Robert-Houdin to Maskelyne to Chung Ling Soo to this.

Here’s your 2008 Douchie for Celebrity HC(s)wDB of the year, Crisss and assorted Hotts. Now saw yourself in half.

# posted by douchebag1

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