Email of the Week
Your site – which I’ve been reading for years – is truly one of the best modern art forms around. It reminds us to appreciate so much of life.
The hotness, the woman, the doughy eyes and thighs, wants and needs. The regrets and pains, the “okness” of life, the ironies, the “thank f@ck i dont chuck heaps of shit in my hair”.
I think deep down the douchebag is … almost a religious being. They exist as douche so we don’t have too (and deep down we all have our inner douche). The douche exists for our sins. They are like us, and they are not. They are not like us and they are.
Your site is the perfect attack on naivete, while itself being juvenile. Picasso with a search engine.
I salute you.
Best email of the week, Ned, and the perfect words to fire me up as we head into 2009. This blog, like all work that transcends into art (and this site is, ultimately, an art project), began as simply an attempt to get hotts to notice me. Thus I am DB1.
Nietzsche. Althusser. Van Gogh. Adam Smith. Richard Foreman. Henry Darger. W.E.B. Du Bois. Jonas Salk. Ron Jeremy.
Their works, like all that men accomplish, were an attempt to gain the notice of the Boobie Hottie Suckle Thigh.
Especially Jonas Salk. That dude was a poon hound.
But let us not forget female accomplishment in this equation.
Georgia O’Keefe. Laurie Anderson. Ayn Rand. Emma Goldman. Maya Deren. Marie Curie. Hannah Arendt. Judith Butler. Toni Basil.
These women sought to transcend the dark douchal forces acting upon them and reach the Higher Consciousness of De-Douchification through the transcendence of art.
For within the byproduct of sexual tensions found in our understandings of self reflected in the social formations of eroticism around us, comes meaning.
Damn I’m gonna get drunk tonight.