Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ask DB1: Is Jeff Reed a ‘Bag?

Dear DB1,

This is a picture of Jeff Reed, the Pittsburgh Steelers’ Kicker. As you can see he is the biggest Douche ever! You can always see him down on the South Side at the bars with other douchie bromances.

I’m confused though…he is an excellent kicker and it may come down to him to win the Super Bowl for my team. Can he be a douche and cool at the same time? Or is he just a Douche with the douchiest job on the football field.

Don’t forget that Pittsburgh is also plagued with a ‘bag mayor that is 27 years old. Luke Ravenstahl aka Luke Ravensbag.

Thank you,

Yinzer Bag Hunter

Reed’s scrotebaggery is well documented on this site, as seen here and here.

But I have some sympathy for the loneliness of the long distance kicker. They’re not really a football player. They’re not really an athlete. Just sort of freakish. So I’d almost give Reed a nottadouche but then I saw the rest of the pics on Kissing Suzy Kolber.

Sorry, YBH.

Your kicker is at least a stage-2 barbag.

# posted by douchebag1

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