Ask DB1: The Douchebaguette
Ah shit, i don’t have 1/10 the poetic prowess of yourself to help me write this suggestion but that’s better so as not to waste your time…if you’re not wasting it for a change lol
Anyway, it appeared to me as i’m skimming through the previous posts and laughing my ass off that some of the chicks actually look more douchier than the douche in-question himself!
Therefore it is my humble suggestion to your greatness, as a student of economics, to expand our potential douche-put to include female douchebags!
Yours truly;
Egyptian Alter-douche xD
Many emails ask about the ‘Baguette, aka “The Bleeth,” and because I tend not to focus my pics on them, there is often curiosity if this category has been covered on the site and in the book.
It has.
The Douchebaguette is indeed the great scrotal reaction of our time. Too much exposure to clownish showboating performative douchewanks, and the ‘baguette becomes what she beholds.
But stage 1 and stage 2 Bleeths can still be saved. By which I mean awkwardly humping their pillow while they’re on the phone with their BFF in the other room, then leaving to go get more beer and finding out she won’t buzz you back up so you just standing there on the sidewalk watching her neighbor walk his Rottweiler.