Ask DB1: Why Ubiquitous Red Cup?
Long time reader and fan. Was wondering if you could answer a deep question that has been bothering me for quite some time. What is the meaning behind the Ubiquitous Red Cup (URC)? I mean, yes, it is everywhere, but what is its purpose?
There must be some philosophical meaning to its presence, especially since we see it around douches of all colors, more so than the civilized public. Thank you for your time, and stay frosty. We can’t afford to let any of these douche bastards in here.
Matt in RVA
Ubiquitous Red Cup has become the centralized iconic signifier in structuring our understanding of universal douche/hott.
It is a talisman signifying ideal within the abstract. Perhaps it is a bit like what Hitchcock called the “MacGuffin”. A structuring icon that helps us to bridge the specific differences and advance our larger treatise.
It’s also the sign of a slammin’ off-the-hook pool party at Kal’s while his parents are, like, out of town yo.