Monday, January 5, 2009


Ghoulbaggery, not to be confused with standard douchebaggery, is the product of Emobag and Gothbag cross-pollination by way of post-2005 “Affliction” name-brandification.

Ghoulbags haunt clubs with the “I’m above this place” ‘tude and the ethos of 80s heroin chic by way of $60 distressed t-shirts, on sale at Macy’s.

They are ultimate poseur fraud choadwanks.

And yet the hotts in sundresses giggle at their toughness and angry displays of “alternative” manhood.

As such, they are simply another form of thematic douche, warmed over and reheated under cover of night, and should be laughed at, and have their chain-wallets confiscated by a big burly black guy who isn’t fooled.

# posted by douchebag1

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