Chico's Tatt
So, presumably, Chico here has tattooed his mother and father on his left pec.
My question is this: Is the nipple an intentional, perhaps metaphorical, part of the meta-design?
I notice it lines up directly with his mother’s stomach area. Is Chico commenting on the cyclical nature of reproduction by allowing his nipple to serve as metaphor for his mother’s umbilicus? How would post-structuralist second-wave feminist psychoanalysists parse this location of nipple within projection of parental inscription as corporeal signifier?
And more importantly, is Maria’s tongue the cutest, pinkest little suckle tongue this side of the legend of the “Suckle Tongues of Madagascar”?
Poor Ubiquitous Red Cups.
Even they can’t understand the DB1’s babbling on this Thursday.