Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

My thoughts turn to fluffy kittens and boobie sunrises on this Friday.

Because I cracked a bottle of Thunderbird and downed six Twinkies, and now I’m seeing tiny dancing hula skirted hotts in pink bikinis, marred only by screaming, ambigiously Asian tongue-dudes.

It’s just wrong.

Here’s your Friday links:

Ed Hardy now makes wine. The baby Jesus just spit up pea soup in his holy crib in the sky.

You’re going to love Vince’s nuts. Who knew that the Shamwow! was a stepping-stone to higher class pitch products?

Asian Chicks with Zombiebags. This video is just plain bizarre.

Basebag. It’s been berry berry orange to him.

Is this pic our second viewing of 2009 A Douche Odyssey’s Cynthia? And, either way, can I slobber on her knees like a brain damaged doberman?

I guess this has been around for a bit, but it’s pretty hilarious: Show me your genitals. This guy’s my new hero.

Eagle-eyed reader Rob catches 2008 Douchie of the Year winner The Metaphysical Hooligan in the background of a pic on the site back in May of 2007. Nice catch, Rob.

And just because Mad Men in on hiatus, that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten about you, Peyton List, my little librarian boobie hottie. Someday I will gnaw on your used mascara container like a confused koala bear.

And I see you too, Christina Hendricks. While I’m sure you’re a ginormous pain in the ass in real life, your mamms call for me to suckle them like a hungry Malaysian treefrog. After I’m done confusing, and then annoying Peyton List, you will have the pleasure of getting bored with me and turning on MSNBC while I apologize for my awkward leg fondling, then sigh and get up to get a Mr. Pibb out of the fridge.

Go forth, ‘bag hunters and huntresses on this Friday, mock a scrote, and save a suckle thigh.

For we are legally validated.

# posted by douchebag1

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