Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

It was the hotts of times. It was the douchiest of times.

The ‘bags remain mockable, and the suckle thighs, sucklable.

Los Angeles has been washed clean by a Travis Bickle inspired rain, and now only faintly smells like Hollypoo.

Dust clouds swirl over palm trees as a twenty-two year old hott walks down Sunset and dreams of hosting her own show on the E Network.

But that guy she met at the bar last night was lying to her. She knew it. But she made out with him by the bathroom anyway.

Here’s your Friday links:

Sorority Chicks with Creepy Emobags. At a backyard Ubiquitous Red Cup party, no less.

Eleven boobs

Hot Chicks with Roger Ailesbag

Cincinnati’s ladies are fed up with the scrote in this nicely sarcastic Craigslist posting.

And then Boston’s Craiglist brings the Authentobaggery.

And to think, just last month we gave this guy a nottadouche.

For the art lovers who read the site, this pic has a similar genius of aesthetics as did our 2008 “Most Likely to be Part of the Permanent Collection at the Guggenheim in 2023” award winner, Still Life with Coors Light. The hotts weren’t quality enough to run it on the site, but let us appreciate its brilliant composition. I entitle it, “Rock Flower Sunrise.” Once I am finally accepted as a true artist, this will be one of the pics at my first gallery showing.

Hot Chicks with Deutschbags. What will those wacky Germans think of next? Perhaps this.

And what would a Friday Thoughts and Links be without my unending obsession with minimally famous Hollywood starlet, Peyton List? Here’s a pic from Peyton List’s guest spot as a magician’s assistant on an episode of Monk. And one more. Mmmm… lovely.

Peyton remains my preeminent Hollywood Suckle Thigh.

EDIT: Swapped out the pic due to the potential for trannydom in the last pic.

EDIT #2: Okay, who’s sending in the hot tranny pics? I’m swapping out the pic because the adams apple was freaking me out. Instead, here’s a nerdy Asian dude with a hot blonde.

# posted by douchebag1

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