HCwDB of the Week
After a raucus evening for your humble narrator half-watching The Oscars while enjoying a tasty cola beverage out of a limited edition “Broheim!!” coffee mug, I am fired up and ready to mock.
Here’s your finalists for the HCwDB of the Week:
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #1: The Incredible Yolk
And by SMASSHHHHHH, Yolk mean spray on tan!!!
Posed pic?
But in classic form, we have a sexy suckle-hott being “claimed” by a greased up orange doucheclown more concerned with his own pecs than her perky boobies.
And that, my friends, qualifies for HCwDB.
Factor in the unique beach setting and pose, and this pic rises above the crop to earn a well oiled place in the Weekly.
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #2: Crimson Ted, aka Orange Anime Demon
As the honorable Sen. Tom Douchele of South Descrota pointed out in the comments thread, Crimson Ted is the very same Orange Anime Demon who has been threatening numerous hot MILFs in clubs across town.
Crimson Ted is all sorts of aging club-douche wrongness.
Not the least is his Crimson tan, as 2009 increasingly becomes “The Year of the Orange.”
And lets not forget the gnawable legs on Tina and Trina here.
They are curvy, giggly balls of high maintence delight.
I would spend hundreds buying them useless baubles and trinkets while they laughed at me by the pool and then flashed me some side-boob. And I would be happy.
Because hey. Sideboob.
HCwDB of the Week Finalist #3: The Hickbag
For reminding us of an often less featured category of punkass beyoch, The Hickbag earns a slot in the Weekly.
Hat Tilt and Southern Drawl do not mix, Hickbag.
Now put down your stupid hand gesture and get back to the Five n’ Dime, Jimmy Dean Jimmy Dean.
So them’s your three.
Should the winner be Hickbag and the Rural Hott? Or perhaps The ragin’ orangin’ of The Incredible Yolk? Or perhaps this is the week for Crimson Ted to take his leggy model hott fondling place in the Monthly?
That, fellow ‘bag hunters, is up to you.
Vote, as always, in the comments thread.