Reader Mail: Waspy Southern Girls
So, I used to know this girl… She was hot in that adorably vapid, sweet, likely to be abused sort of way. Anyways, I looked her up on facebook and found out that she married this guy…she is the girl on the right.
What is it about adorable waspy southern girls that they marry 28+yo douchebags when they’re 22?
What’s even worse about this guy is that his hair was a FAR more douchey version in the wedding pics. Like an intentionally haphazard version of the same douche-spike. Anyways, keep up the good work.
-Stalking the April Hall of Hott
Yup, married to a hair-spikey stage-2 ex-Fratbag. And all while Ubiquitous Red Cup watches sadly. Granted, this pic doesn’t really betray much in the way of noteworthy douche/hott. But the letter sums up the pathos many of us have experienced when a former GF marries a scrote like this putz.
So good work, STAHoH, and may you find that lovely April. And send us pics.