Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Thoughts and Links

Random thoughts as I wrap up a Friday and wonder if Tatt Vortex is actually one of the villains from The Mummy 5: Brendan Frasier Mails It In.

The greatness of Bubble Yum has not diminished as I get older. But Bazooka will always rule the roost of the over-sugared gum kingdom.

All plants should be cactii. Then I wouldn’t have to remember to water them.

The video game that changed it all but never gets its due? Zaxxon.

Here’s your Friday links:

Italian Energy Drink ditches subtext.

From Australia comes crime scene hottie Clare, who proudly proclaims to the camera, “The fatter wog said to the skinnier wog, ‘Oi bro, you slept with my cousin’.” I don’t know what this means. I think it’s racist. But she’s hot. So I’ll call it “eccentric.”

The Onion brings the funny with their Newscast on an NYU dorm fire. They must’ve hired new writers.

The Orange Grooves. Halloween pic or not, it scars me.

Et tu, Jonah Hill?

The ‘John Meyer is a Douchebag’ Wall Clock. Makes a great gift for weddings and Bar Mitzvahs. Or for the kids, don’t forget the ‘John Mayer is a Douchebag’ teddybear.

And yet more proof of Meyerbag’s douchosity. And yet more. It was nearly a year and a half ago that I first proclaimed the Meyerbag to be a douchebag, a scrotal herp sore of taint, and history has proven me correct in that assessment. He is stinky ass finger.

She wasn’t really cute enough for me to run this on the mainpage, but The Douchelick is rank. I’m talking Arthur Kade rank.

But enough on all that is poo in this world.

You’ve worked hard. It’s Friday. Here’s your Tropical Ass Pear. It’s like two cantaloupes fighting over the check.

# posted by douchebag1

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