Thursday, May 28, 2009

Stage-1 ‘Bagling? Or Stage-2?

Kevin the Party Pud is pretty low down on the douchal scale.

Sure he’s jumped into a gaggle of Woo Hotties who are doing their best to ignore him. But seriously. Does Kevin really rankle?

Sure he’s got a silly camo hat. And a hang gesture. And he drinks Keystone when PBR is just as cheap and plentiful.

But wait… is that “chin strap”?

I’m going stage-2.

And I see each of you, Polkadot Bikini Baby Hotties. I will playfully tweak your ear, then run and hide. But you won’t come looking for me. So I’ll go home and watch TiVo’d Breaking Bad. And eat Malomars. And tell my roommate you weren’t that hot anyway, and I don’t care.

# posted by douchebag1

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