Friday Thoughts and Links
Here’s E-BLO, The Electric Blight Orchestra, now maintaining an absolutely blank douche-face in the presence of various tasty collegiate hotts in three pictures in a row.
It’s like Monday’s HCwDB of the Week is already over, and it’s only Friday.
Another week of thigh hott lust and choadscrote mock comes to a close. Alls I know is I’m eating Fig Newtons and downing at least two bottles of Thunderbird by Sundown.
Here’s your links:
Noted uberdouchologist Arthur Kade rides vacuous narcissism into a blip of pointless media attention. Keep staring at yourself, Artie. Maybe something’ll show up eventually.
Speaking of Philly wankscrote, today is Mike Fazio’s birthday. I wish I could retroactive erase knowing who “Mike Fazio” is. Maybe if I drink harder tonight.
So when did buying lingerie online begin to resemble the auditions for “Casting Couch #83”? And why no librarian hotties?
Speaking of weightlifting guido-face poo, do not click on this link. I told you not to click on that link.
Milwaukee Brewers outfielder Ryan Braun is launching a line of douche-wear. For when Ed Hardy isn’t scrotey enough.
Euro Conquistador and 2007 internet meme, The Techno Viking, battles none other than HCwDB’s own Jorge in Technoviking versus Vernon Koekemoer. With a strange dash of Chuck Norris.
In South Korea, Axe Bodyspray turns a female dormitory into a calendar of daily hotness. Nice to objectify women as daily objects to be acquired, Axe Marketing Team. I would never do that here at HCwDB. Mmmm, boobie hottie suckle thigh.
And finally… your tropical paradise Ass Pear La Plante.