Friday Thoughts and Links
Random thoughts on this Friday as E-Blo’s vacant stare echoes the vacuity of our culture:
I have decided that there will be no more mocking of clueless uberdouche buffoon Arthur Kade on this site.
Kadebag’s riff grows tiresome, and his shtick is getting obvious as some form of bizarro narcissistic performance attempt.
This is not to say that he’s not a douche. He is a heaping scrotestain of infected ball taint. That is certain. Only that he bores me. So he’s banished. For now, at least.
Otherwise, your humble narrator is gearing up for Monday and the debut of Is She Really Going Out With Him? on MTV. HCwDB goes televisual, bitches.
Here’s your links:
As promised, a second pic of last week’s HCwDB Finalist Calista, from the Sleeve Burglar pic. Calista is curved purity of oceanic hotness in a sea of innocent powdered butt fantasy. Delightful. Hers is the smile that drives men to war, innovation and drinking. There may be a second girl in that pic, I’m not sure.
Our abstract signifier of psychoanalytic projection, the Ubiquitous Red Cup is getting a makeover. It is Dada by way of Duchamp by way of Freud by way of Kegger.
This guy’s homepage is so chock full of scrotery, one hardly knows where to begin. Except that if your parents name you “Trygve,” it’s like you’re doomed to grow up to be a punkass mofo.
Emory goes to Acapulco. And brings the Scrotestainery.
On an unrelated music riff question, did Nostradamus give us an exact date when Bob Dylan and Tom Waits become the same person?
For those who still haven’t seen it yet (although it’s been blasted on every media channel), here’s 1980s hair-douche Bret Michaels getting flattened at the Tonys.
And finally… for all of your hard work this week mocking choad and lusting hott… here’s your Friday Artistic Ass Pear, high culture style. Porn for Manhattanites.