Friday Thoughts and Links
As the douche smells hott ass, so do we all inhale whiffs of our own proverbial hottassitude on this Friday.
The first week of the HCwDB show, Is She Really Going Out With Him? is wrapping up on MTV, and I’m feelin’ good.
After so much work over the last year, your humble narrator on all things boobie/douchey is thrilled to see ISRGOWH finally reach the teevee. So far so good, but keep spreading the word.
Today, I find myself meditating on the arch of the young suckle thigh’s inner neck. It is tasty and sometimes salty. And I am also ruminating on how much I hate those silky, designer rapsta Yankee caps. For they are camel poo.
But finally, I’ve been thinking about the vacuous emptiness of Jennifer Aniston. Her eyes are dead. Like a shark. Hers is the blankness of a nihilist framework without meaning. An empty shell of Hollywoodified personality blank. She’s not a bad person. She’s just an abyss. But I’d still lick her boobies.
Here’s your Friday Links:
Honorary Douchebag of the Month: The Paparazzo Surfer ‘Bag on TMZ.
Commando: Libya. The greatest underground videogame of the late 1980s. For the legendary Commodore 64. The entire point was simply to shoot up Libyans as they walked across the screen who couldn’t shoot back. It was sick and demented Reagan era crypto-fascist youth prep. Imagine my joy when I found a Commando: Libya flash simulator online.
The HCwDB of the Month is on Monday, but this coupling of hott and taint is the odds-on favorite in Vegas for the next Week.
Ed Hardy plague infects Australia. It’s like when Bart unleashed the frogs.
There’s even virtual HCwDB combos on Second Life.
Japan is being overrun by something called “grass-eaters”, young men who focus entirely on makeup and preening. Are they Japanese douchebags? Hard to say, but warrants monitoring.
Via the always brilliant The Daily Show, Long Island wants to secede. Nice trio of ‘bag tagging, Samantha Bee. If that is your real name.
And finally, for all of your hard work and to celebrate the first week of the show, here’s a double reward: Twin Ass Pear. Quality.