Friday, July 10, 2009

Ask DB1: Douchal Rage

DB1 –

The great majority of douchebags to discover their presence at HCwDB’s and take the time to write in seemingly exhibit what I would refer to as “Douchal Rage.”

Often laced with homophobic, class or cultural rhetoric, threats of physical violence and juvenile masculinity challenges, these letters normally do no more than provide concrete evidence that the subject in question is, in fact, a giant douchebag.

Instead of recognizing the intervention and constructively using the information for redemption, ‘bags tend to double down and resist reality. Could you comment on the “Douchal Rage” phenomena, its manifestations and the actual threat to the general population?


Half Douche Half Man (Not-a-Douche)

We must understand that the visceral and linguistic registers are complimentary when tagging uber-scrote in presence of hott. Here at HCwDB, at first we can only ‘tag based on visual cues.

Stupid hair and the douche face, for example.

But when a schlort writes in and confirms his poobaggery, we have a more complete picture painted. It is “The ‘Bag Within” unleashed in written form, and as such, provides an even more accurate barometer for taint measurement.

And by barometer, I mean boobies.

# posted by douchebag1

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