Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Don’t Mess with the Poohan

Because no matter how “gangsta” you try to be, when you’re carrying Rachel Hottowitz’s poodle around the Upper West Side while she shops, you are not “Mossad Gangsta,” no matter how many Affliction shirts and Yankee Tilts you wear.

Sorry Poohan.

The Rabbinical Council has voted. You are the Chosen Scrote.

Douche Minyan, party of one. Time to daven at the Gelling Wall.

Mmmm… Rachel Hottowitz. Catholic girls start much too late. Jewish girls start right on time.

(A bottle of Manishevitz to the first ‘bag hunter who figures out when this toolbag first appeared. I’m too hung over to find it)

# posted by douchebag1

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