Friday, July 24, 2009
Friday Haiku
Choads ‘n hott do shots,
Ubiquitous Red Cups know,
Fratbags smell like poo.
Second Amendment
Be damned; these here guns should be
outlawed and taken.
– Douche Wayne
today will be nuts.
I don’t even know this chick.
we should light our farts.
— Mr. Choad’s Wild Ride
Mary Louise P.
Retires from the show “Weeds”
Now on show called “Taints”
– Vin Douchal
Hott is very hott.
Boobies like tangy lemons.
They need my sucklage.
-Amerigo Vesdouchey
what chances does a
lonely red cup, for the love
of a surfer chick
– euripidouche